Friday, August 21, 2009

Mosquito problems?? - Be STRONG. Stay AWARE

Mosquito problems?? If you have Hep C what you use to avoid the Mosquito can be dangerous! Namely: DEET - Deet is a commonly used chemical used in products to repel Mosquitoes. Deet, like most CHEMICALS you touch or purposely apply to your body will be absorbed into your skin. Healthy or diseased, your liver must work to fully process the toxin to keep it from harming or invading your body in the form of another disease. There is an obvious hindrance to this process if you suffer from Liver Disease. Your liver is already fighting to process everything you ingest as well as operate under damaged conditions. The added processing of a toxin you purposefully subject it too does cause further stress to your liver.


Dependent of where you live the least oppressive way to avoid mosquitoes is to remain inside during DUSK and DAWN. This hour or two of time is when mosquitoes are most present. If you must be outside wear clothing that is light in color and covers as much as your body as possible. Still more protection may be warranted. This announcement was prompted by an announcement made by Hepatitis Central ( In this article are other suggested ways to avoid mosquito bites.


Always fully research what you ingest to keep your liver as healthy as possible. What works for some people may cause harm to others. If you are receiving medical treatment for HCV you must check with your Medical Doctor before trying a new supplement. There is a chance what you take will negate what the treatment is working to accomplish! Be STRONG! Stay AWARE

Debbullan Inc. Is not a medical organization and is not authorized to dispense medical solutions to anyone. Information is always offered as source of further research. We hope you will make query with your trusted medical professional for official information. We also hope that you will share with us information you come across in your research to help us become more effective to our constituents and supporters.

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