Debbullan made a live audio recording of the speakers in attendance on September 11. Artists 4 Charity’s founder, Juergen Kempel, has been editing each segment of the recording in order to enhance the audio for your listening ease. We are grateful to Mr. Kempel, who has made it possible for you to listen to the beginning segments of the Summit through Podcasts now offered through this link:
In order to be ensured of notification that each new segment has become available, be sure to subscribe.
Further Mr. Kempel has created music for the podcasts. Sections of the song “A New Dawning” are played at the opening and ending of each Podcast segment. To listen to the song in its entirety, visit and find the TUNEWIDGET that includes Debbullan’s awareness campaign, Sign 4 C image. You are also welcome to download the song.